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Artikel-Nr.: 77562

Focus Cube Zero SCT 14, EdgeHD 14 & RASA 14

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Mehr über die Serie FocusCube...

FocusCube SCT has been replaced by the Focus Cube Zero. Zero allows backlash free movement and is way faster than older motor.

The evolution of technology in Astronomy requires a system, which will assist the focusing of the telescope with great accuracy.

Fast optics and modern camera devices require automatic focusing in every small period of time, as temperature can affect focal length and

modify the optimal focus position. Pegasus FocusCube Zero has been developed to meet all of these requirements.

Designed in high quality with modern electronics, FocusCube can provide digital precise focus control from a PC.

Device includes a stepper motor for absolute position focusing. Electronics and stepper motor are enclosed in a compact sized box.

The stepper motor provides high speed, focus accuracy and zero backlash. You only need this device to focus!

Attach the FocusCube Zero to your SC telescope, plug the power, USB cable, download the ASCOM drivers or any standalone software and

you are ready to go!

A special shaped black anodized aluminium bracket, hard to bend, can be attached to most of the Celestron SCT telescopes.

FocusCube includes an expansion RJ45 port at the back of the enclosure. This port provides input for the temperature sensor.

An optional hand controller for manual focus control can be acquired for those who might want to add this functionality.

The controller is fully compatible with latest ASCOM 6.5 version.

In the box::

  • 1 x FocusCube Zero
  • 1 x SCT Bracket (margarita style)
  • 1 x Temperature Sensor (0.6m)
  • 1 x USB type B Cable (1.8m)
  • 2 x Aluminium Pulleys (60 & 40 teeth) and transmission belt
  • 4 x M3x6mm length screws (to attach the enclosure on the bracket)
  • 3 x metric screws and washers (to mount the bracket on the SCT)

Technische Daten


Geeignet für Teleskop
C14, EdgeHD 14 & RASA 14


Außenmaße LxBxH (mm)
52 x 58 x 35
Gewicht (g)


Hersteller: Pegasus Astro Co. LTD GR Branch, Kolokotroni 10, 19001 Keratea, GR, http://pegasusastro.com
PegasusAstro Focus Cube Zero SCT 14, EdgeHD 14 & RASA 14
PegasusAstro Focus Cube Zero SCT 14, EdgeHD 14 & RASA 14


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