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( 5 / 5 )
Artikel-Nr.: 53309

Steuerung für Fokussiermotor DMFC

versandfertig in 1-2 Wochen + Laufzeit


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Focus fast, reliable and accurate your telescope using a stepper or dc motor and this controller.

While the Dual Motor Focus Controller DMFC supports a wide range of motors, it fits perfectly with the PegasusAstro Motor Focus Kit (see Recommended Accessories).

The evolution of technology in astronomy requires a system which will assist the focusing of the telescope with great accuracy. Fast optics and modern camera devices require automatic focusing in every small period of time as temperature can affect focal length and modify the optimal focus position. Pegasus Dual Motor Focus Controller (DMFC) has been developed to meet these requirements.

Dual mode: The Dual Motor Focus Controller supports two kind of motor types.

  • DC motors by its Pulse Width Modulation duty cycle control.
  • High Resolution Stepper motors for absolute position focusing.

Controller can switch motor mode from its software, Mode can be instantly changed from ‘stepper’ to ‘dc’ motor and saved in controller’s EEPROM memory

Manual and PC operation: The controller can be operated by PC using its USB 2.0 connectivity. A manual operation by utilising the digital encoder on the side of the controller simulates the knob of your real focuser. Turn the knob as it is the knob of your telescope’s focuser. If you press it, speed of the motor will be reduced to 1:10.

Dual Colour Indicator: A dual colour light emitted diode (Green / Yellow) is fitted on the side of the unit. Each colour indicates speed and the led can be turned on or off by its software during an observing session. Keep it pressed to disable the knob.

Temperature Probe: A digital probe of one meter length is supplied. The probe can be placed near the focuser so the exact temperature of the focuser / environment can be seen through the supplied software or ASCOM driver

Backlash Compensation: Controller can compensate the backlash you might encounter in your system. Backlash compensation is performed in a function inside controller’s firmware.

ASCOM compliant: The controller is fully compatible with latest ASCOM 6 and can easily be controlled from a computer.

INDI compliant: Pegasus DMFC driver is included with libindi >= 1.5.1

Standalone program support: The controller can be operated by the standalone DMFC software. (Only available for Windows OS)

Firmware upgrade support: Controller firmware supports re-programming via the USB 2.0 connection using upgrade software, for future upgrades which may become available.

Robofocus compatible connector pin out: Motor output is fully compatible with “Robofocus ©” pin out. Output can drive most of the motors in the market. The optional Stepper Motor Cable (RJ45 to DB9) is necessary for that (see Recommended Accessories).

In the box:

  • Dual Motor Focus Controller
  • Temperature Sensor
  • USB type B cable
  • Cigarette Lighter Adapter
  • Stepper Motor Cable (RJ45 to RJ45)

Technische Daten


Eingangsspannung (Volt)
12 (2.1mm Centre Positive Socket)
USB 2.0
Unterstützte Betriebssysteme


Außenmaße LxBxH (cm)
6,6 x 6,6 x 2,8
Motoren & Steuerungen


Hersteller: Pegasus Astro Co. LTD GR Branch, Kolokotroni 10, 19001 Keratea, GR, http://pegasusastro.com

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PegasusAstro Steuerung für Fokussiermotor DMFC


Steuerung für Prgasus Focusmotor

Kundenrezension von A. G. am 04.06.2020 20:59:38

( 5 / 5 )

wenn man den Motor direkt Ansteuern möchte ( ohne PC ) das beigelegte RJ 45 Kabel in die Steuerung + Motor einstecken + Netzteil, und schon läuft der motor kaum sichtbar bei einer drehung am Reglerrad. Für den PC betrieb ist ein USB Kabel beigelegt.
Das Steuergerät hat einen 12 V Anschluß da der Motor des Focus Kit v2 Celestron STC ( C6, C8, C9.25 ) keinen eigenen 12 V Anschluß hat.

Über die Steuerung am PC kann ich noch keine Auskunft geben.


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