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Artikel-Nr.: 71055

Kamera-Adapter Nikon F-Mount

$ 104,- inkl. MwSt zzgl. Versandkosten
versandfertig in 6-10 Wochen + Laufzeit


Nikon cameras are becoming more popular with astro-imaging enthusiasts. However, the typical T-ring / telescope setup does not take advantage of the wide aperture of the bayonet mount: significant vignetting is caused by the constriction of the T-ring opening.

The TeleVue Nikon F-Mount Wide T Adapter with Bayonet (NWT-2073) connects to Nikon F-mount camera in place of the T-ring and provides 13% greater aperture to minimize vignetting. The other side of this adapter fits to TeleVue's 2.4" Imaging System accessories. No additional T-adapter required!

The F-Mount is Nikon's long-running camera mount that originated on the Nikon F in 1959 and has been used ever since – including on the current Nikon D850. Nikon Z-series mirrorless cameras, employing an F-to-Z adapter, can also be used with this adapter.

The NWT-2073 can also be combined with non-Imaging System scopes of any brand by using a Tele Vue Imaging System Nosepiece for 2" Focuser. The nosepiece slides into a 2" telescope drawtube and has a 2.4" Imaging System thread on the other side to accept any Imaging System accessory.

Technische Daten


Anschluss (kameraseitig)
Nikon F-Mount
Anschluss (teleskopseitig)
Geeignet für ...




Hersteller: Tele Vue Optics, Inc., 32 Elkay Dr., NY 10918 Chester, US, www.televue.com
Verantwortliche Person: NIMAX GmbH, Otto-Lilienthal-Str. 9, 86899 Landsberg am Lech, DE, [email protected]
TeleVue Kamera-Adapter Nikon F-Mount


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